We accept items in new condition with the original tags attached for a full refund, exchange or store credit. You have 14 days from the date you receive your shipment to return your items. Please use the form included in your order to return your goods. Please also email us at [email protected] to inform us of your wish to return the item. Returns will be processed once the goods are received at our distribution centre.
Once the goods have arrived with us they will be checked. If they are in the exact same condition as they were sent we can then process the refund. After your return request has been accepted, you will be refunded the full amount of the items returned, minus the cost of shipping.
Depending on your bank or credit card company, it can take up to 8-10 business days for the refund to reach your account.
For any returned or exchanged items, we do not refund the original cost of shipping.